Signals That Suggest Its Time To Visit Your Dentist in Columbia, MD

Visiting the dentist regularly becomes a little difficult. Schedules can get busy because of work or personal life, and routine medical checkups take the backseat. The thing is – regular brushing is not sufficient to keep dental health in good condition. Even if your teeth look healthy on the surface, it is still possible to have minor problems that can go overlooked. This is why having your teeth and gums checked two to three times a year is essential. Watch out for these signs that can be an indication that you should plan a visit to dentistry:

Ongoing Headaches
Various reasons can start headaches. However, if it is accompanied by stiffness in the jaw when you awake in the morning, it could be due to bruxism. Overlooking the same can result in damaged teeth, increased sensitivity, and temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Also called teeth grinding, the medical condition needs your dentist's attention. Dentists Columbia MD will check the condition of the teeth and jaw.

Facial Swelling Due To Dental Abscess
When a decayed tooth stays untreated for a long period, a pocket of fluid (pus) forms at the tooth root tip in the jawbone. The infection is known as a dental abscess (periapical abscess). It can spread to the face resulting in facial cellulitis. People often encounter discomfort while drinking or eating. It's good to visit Columbia pediatrics dentistry before the condition becomes worse. The ache can spread further to the ear or jaw, and neck on the affected side. Facial swelling is an indication that the infection has begun affecting the skin and underlying soft tissues.

Tooth Sensitivity To Hot And Cold
People often overlook tooth sensitivity to food items that are too hot or cold. Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth. However, sudden or uncommon sensitivity should not remain unnoticed. It can indicate a cracked tooth, gum disease, or extreme plaque.

White Spots On Gums Or Teeth
The best way to prevent cavities is by checking teeth and gums for uncommon dots. White spots are one of the common signs that indicate an infection. Some people may not experience pain even if the infection reaches the tooth root. However, one or more pimples might seem on the gums or enamel. Don't try to scratch it like a food particle; visit your Columbia family dentistry.

Tiny Ulcers On Lips And Cheeks
As you are probably aware, accidentally biting your cheek or lip can result in canker sores. You can get tiny ulcers on the roof of the mouth, on the tongue, as well as the gums. They can recover within a week if you keep the affected area clean. Some severe canker sores do not recover quickly and recur after a few days. Immunity-related issues, food allergies, hormonal shifts, and stress can be the reasons behind the formation of ulcers that take time to go. Sores that spread to other areas or do not recover within a week need Columbia pediatric dentistry.

Swollen, Sore, Or Inflamed Gums
Swollen, sore, and inflamed gums signify gum disease. The condition is also known as periodontal disease. Severe gum disease treatment involves more invasive procedures for removing plaque or bacteria pockets. During the initial stage, the mild condition remains reversible and easily treatable. Extra attention towards oral hygiene and regular dental checkups from the best dentist in Columbia, MD can help in early detection.

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